** TEAM HANDICAPS (Ken Hughes Handicap Method)**

The formula for figuring the TEAM HANDICAPS is the team 01 average times 18 plus the high out for the team. For example: if the team 01 average is 48.36 and the high out for the team is 117 you multiply 48.36 x 18 and add the high out of 117 to that. 48.36 x 18 + 117 = 987.48. Rounded to the nearest whole number the handicap would then be 987.

** 01 AVERAGES **

In an 01 game, if the beginning balance of a players turn is 140 or more the turn counts toward the player's 01 average. If the beginning balance of a players turn is 139 or less the turn does not count toward the player's 01 average because with the beginning balance of 170 or less for a players turn, each player who takes a turn should be trying for the OUT SHOT to end the game and not trying for a high score (Refer to your Out Chart).  The "Nightly" Average is equal to the total number of points scored during the match divided by the number of turns in the match as outlined above.  As the season progresses each night's points and turns are added to the previous points and turns and figured with the total points divided by the total turns to give a "To Date" average.


(01 Games) - In an 01 game, whether it be a single player or a multi-player game the player who makes the out shot gets the credit for the win, 1 point. The player that makes the out shot gets 1 point credit for the game because in an 01 game, with the beginning balance of 170 or lower for a players turn, each player who takes a turn has the opportunity to end and win the game. (Refer to your Out Chart)

(Cricket Games) - In a single player cricket game the winning player gets credit for 1 out but in a multi-player cricket game each player of the winning team gets a 1/2 point out credit for the win. The reason for the 1/2 point credit for each player is that in a cricket game the win is more of a team effort because of having to close numbers and score points rather than just taking an out shot as you do in an 01 game. 


The formula for figuring the best INCREASE IN ABILITY from last season to this season is a 3 part problem. The average percentage of ability increase is a combination of the percentage of increase of the player's 01 average, plus the increase in the percentage of cricket outs to games played from last season to this season, plus the increase in the percentage of 01 outs to games played from last season to this season. These 3 increases or decreases are totaled and then divided by 3 to give the average percentage of increase or decrease of the players 01 average/cricket percentage of wins/01 percentage of wins.

Here are some stats for one of our League members that we will use for this example.

Last Season's 01 Average = 41.17. 
  This Season's 01 Average = 48.00.

To find the percentage of increase from last season to this season you subtract last season's 01 average from this season's 01 average and divide that by this season's 01 average. 48.00 - 41.17 = 6.83 divided by 48.00 = .14.  His 01 average increased by 14% over last season.

To figure the percentage of cricket wins you divide the number of wins by the quantity of games played. Last season our player had 2.5 wins and played in 23 games. 2.5 divided by 23 = .11.  He won 11% of the games played. This season he had 15 wins and played in 35 games. 15 divided by 35 = .43.  This season he won 43% of the games played. This season's percentage of cricket wins minus last season's percentage of cricket wins is .32.  He won 32% more of the cricket games he played this season as compared to last season.

(01 WINS)
To figure the percentage of 01 wins you divide the number of wins by the quantity of games played. Last season our player had 8 wins and played in 57 games.  8 divided by 57 = .14.  He won 14% of the games played. This season he had 20 wins and played in 76 games. 20 divided by 76 = .26.  This season he won 26% of the games played. This season's percentage of 01 wins minus last season's percentage of 01 wins is .12.  He won 12% more of the 01 games he played this season as compared to last season.

To make an average of the 3 increases you add them together and divide by 3. If the player did not play any games of Cricket in either this season or last season Cricket is not considered in the averaging (you divide by 2) because there is nothing to compare the percentage of wins to. If the player did not play any 01 games in either this season or last season then Cricket is the only item considered because there are no 01 games to compare the percentage of wins or 01 average increase/decrease to.

.14 percentage of 01 average increase
.32 percentage of cricket wins increase
.12 percentage of 01 wins increase

This gives a total of .58 divided by 3 = .19

His total average percentage of increase in ability from last season to this season is 19%.

NOTE: If this season's percentages are lower than last season's in any of the three categories it will affect the final percentage of increase accordingly.


PlayerAbility = (((HiIn + HiOut + 4) / 4) + (01 Average x 18) + (((Cricket Wins % + 01 Wins %) / 2) x 18)) / 2